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First layout with RMP

Posted: 16 Feb 2015, 20:44
by fpm_michael
So I wanted to share. This is my first layout attempt with Rail Modeler Pro. It is a perfect layout size for a 10x10 bedroom. The table is on wheels so all areas can be reached to build on.
Layout MK6.png
Layout MK6.png (398.41 KiB) Viewed 24361 times
I would love to hear everyone's opinion and thoughts on what I came up with.

Re: First layout with RMP

Posted: 19 Apr 2015, 09:57
by ghewitt94

That is an impressive design. Well done.


Re: First layout with RMP

Posted: 30 May 2015, 23:42
by TheOldMan
I like what I see and you have some good runs. Any reason for the big open area; or is that going to develop into something?

Re: First layout with RMP

Posted: 15 Aug 2015, 18:25
by fpm_michael
Sorry for the long delay. I have not been able to get into this forum for some time and just now checked and it is working again.
The open area is for control and access to the layout for building. It is a very small room so I did not want to limit myself from being able to get in for track maint and building. Some shots of the layout in production. You will see some changes from the plan to the layout.

Re: First layout with RMP

Posted: 15 Aug 2015, 18:32
by fpm_michael
More... Also see the final layout with RMP. I made some changes that were needed after I started working. It is a very cool layout and runs even big consist very well.

Re: First layout with RMP

Posted: 15 Dec 2017, 15:26
by hdunsmore
Hello Michael: I just started designing a layout with v.5 of RMPro. I realize it is 2+ years since you posted your original first design, and I was very interested to see your work-in-progress. Thanks for sharing and congratulations on what you've done so far. I think it's time for an update ;) . Cheers, Henry

Re: First layout with RMP

Posted: 21 Nov 2018, 21:44
by kklein41291
Would it be possible for you to email me the actual file for your layout?
