Search found 6 matches

by guw
06 Jan 2021, 18:27
Forum: Layouts
Topic: Hidden Railway Station
Replies: 3
Views: 8924

Re: Hidden Railway Station

Brief counter question: what do you mean by optimum distance between tracks? Choose a distance to make the tracks as long as possible, make them equidistant etc.? I was aligning turnouts and realized that this results into too narrow tracks. Thus, I need to place small flex tracks between them to g...
by guw
04 Jan 2021, 21:01
Forum: Layouts
Topic: Hidden Railway Station
Replies: 3
Views: 8924

Hidden Railway Station

Hi, I'm planning my layout. It will be multiple levels. The lower two levers should be hidden railway stations. I finished one level now and I'm not really happy with the look. There are a few constraints: Peco Streamline 100 must be used. They only have flex tracks. This is difficult to "draw&...
by guw
02 Jan 2021, 16:55
Forum: Working with RailModeller Pro
Topic: How to select track elements inside a loop?
Replies: 4
Views: 3858

Re: How to select track elements inside a loop?

I have the same question. I've created a track helix and I want to select an entry element to modify it. How do I select it?

When I hove with them mouse over it, both tracks are colored blue in the 2D height view. However, upon click only the top most track is selected.
2021-01-02_17-52-50.199.png (382.72 KiB) Viewed 3854 times
by guw
30 Nov 2020, 07:16
Forum: Gleispläne
Topic: Vorstellung Gleisplan / Tips zur Optimierung
Replies: 0
Views: 23704

Vorstellung Gleisplan / Tips zur Optimierung

Hallo, Ich sitze an der Erstellung meines Gleisplanes. Die Anlage selbst soll Epoche V-VI sein. Als Schienenmaterial soll Peco Streamline (Code 100 im nicht sichtbaren und Code 75 im sichtbaren Bereich) zum Einsatz kommen. Die Paradestrecke wird mit Zeitgeist feste Fahrbahn ausgeführt. Bei Peco wir...
by guw
24 Nov 2019, 16:45
Forum: Fragen zu RailModeller Pro
Topic: Zeitgeist Gleis H0
Replies: 4
Views: 7651

Re: Zeitgeist Gleis H0

Vielen Dank!
by guw
07 Nov 2018, 20:37
Forum: Fragen zu RailModeller Pro
Topic: Zeitgeist Gleis H0
Replies: 4
Views: 7651

Zeitgeist Gleis H0


Ich bin neu im Forum (und mit der Software) und beginne gerade mit der Anlagen-Planung.

Von Zeitgeist gibt es eine Feste Fahrbahn:
  • H0 FFB Feste Fahrbahn Bögl 97,5 cm
  • H0 B70 W60 Betonschwellengleis 87,5 cm
Ist es möglich, das in irgendwie einzubinden?

Viele Grüße!